  1. random Advice web application.

    6th October 2022

    Hey ! This Application is coded and designed using Hyper text markup language (HTML), and Syntatically Awesome StyleSheets(SASS),Vanila JS and Random Advice API. This web app gives you random advices whenever you click on dice icon.

    I have used VS code to code this website , RandomAdvice API and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5,SASS and JavaScript

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  2. Palindrome Birthday

    21st September 2022

    Hey !This Application is coded and designed using Hyper text markup language (HTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Vanila JS. This is a website which checks that is your birth date palindrome or not. The web application tells you whether your birthday is palindrome or not. And it also tells you the nearest palindrome date in the past or in the future.

    I have used VS code to code this website and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5 , CSS3 and JavaScript

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  3. Profit Loss Calculator.

    20th September 2022

    Hey ! This Application is coded and designed using Hyper text markup language (HTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Vanila JS. This is a website which calculate the profit or loss of your stocks. This web app lets you know you profit/loss on some initial purchased stocks.

    I have used VS code to code this website and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5,CSS3 and JavaScript

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  4. Play with Triangles

    19th September 2022

    Hey !This Application is coded and designed using Hyper text markup language (HTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Vanila JS. This is a website where you can have fun with triangles. Let's checkout how much you know about triangles.

    I have used VS code to code this website and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5 , CSS3 and JavaScript

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  5. Lucky Birthday

    17th September 2022

    Hey ! This web application that tells if you are lucky or not by just taking your DOB and your lucky/fav number.This Application is coded and designed using Hyper text markup language (HTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), vanila JS. This is a website which tells either your birthday is lucky for you or not.

    I have used VS code to code this website and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5 , CSS3 and JavaScript

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  6. Cash Register

    16th September 2022

    Hey ! Welcome To The cash register. This cash-register web-app lets a shopkeeper know how much money to be returned whenever a bill is up. This web Application is coded and designed using Hyper text markup language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), vanila JS. This is a website which let the cashier know the no. of notes return to the client.

    I have used VS code to code this website and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5 , CSS3 and JavaScript

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  7. My Portfolio

    15th September 2022

    Hey ! Welcome To My Portfolio.... This is My Portfolio. This is coded and designed using Hyper text markup language (HTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This is a website which describes me.

    I have used VS code to code this website and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5 and CSS3

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  8. Personal Cuisine

    14th September 2022

    Hey ! Welcome to my personal cuisine This is My Second React Js Web-Application. This is coded and designed using Hyper text markup language (HTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), React Java Script. This is a web-Application which will give an overview of my personal cuisine.

    I have used code Sandbox to code this website and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5 , CSS3 ,JavaScript and ReactJS (

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  9. Emoji Pedia

    14th September 2022

    Hey ! Welcome to my Emoji Pedia...This is My first React Js Web-Application. This is coded and designed using Hyper text markup language (HTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), React Java Script. This is a web-Application which will let you know the meaning of emojis.

    I have used code Sandbox to code this website and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5 , CSS3 ,JavaScript and ReactJS (

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  10. Groot Talk

    11th September 2022

    JavaScript and API Calls! This is my second web-Application that converts normal english to grootish language.

    This web application is developed using HTML5, CSS3 and Javacript. I have used VS code to code this component library and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github

    You can visit this web-application or else you can view the source code of this Web-page.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5 , CSS3 ,JavaScript and API from

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  11. Banana Speak

    11th September 2022

    JavaScript and API Calls! This is my first web-Application that converts normal english to minion language.

    This web application is developed using HTML5, CSS3 and Javacript. I have used VS code to code this component library and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github

    You can visit this web-application or else you can view the source code of this Web-page.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5 , CSS3 ,JavaScript and API from

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  12. Component Library using HTML And CSS.

    9th September 2022

    CSS ! Cascading Style Sheets

    This is My Web-page or you can call it as Component Library. This is coded and designed using Hyper text markup language (HTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

    I have used VS code to code this component library and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github.

    You can visit this component library or else you can view the source code of this Web-page.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5 and CSS3.

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  13. Component Library using HTML.

    9th September 2022

    HTML ! Hyper Text Markup Language This is My Web-page or you can call it as Component Library.

    This is fully coded in Hyper text markup language (HTML). I have used VS code to code this component library and also used Github desktop to make a repo and to push it on github

    You can visit this component library or else you can view the source code of this Web-page.

    Technologies Used:   HTML5

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  14. Second CLI-Quiz Web application

    28 th August 2022

    Lets see ! How much you know about the movie "Bhool Bhooliya-2"

    This is My 2nd Command line interface web-Application coded in java script. This is a quiz like game you have to answer questions about the movie.

    I have used platform to code my application and also used chalk library to make it beautiful and colourful.

    You can play this game live or else you can view the source code of this Application.

    Technologies Used:   JavaScript,

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  15. First CLI-Quiz Web application

    28 th August 2022

    Lets see ! How much do you know about Me

    This is My 1st Command line interface web-Application coded in java script. This is a quiz like game you have to answer questions about me.

    I have used platform to code my application and also used chalk library to make it beautiful and colourful.

    You can play this game live or else you can view the source code of this Application.

    Technologies Used:   JavaScript,

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